Summer is here again despite the pandemic. I have learned (and taught) that the summer is a great time of the year to catch up on the things you have been avoiding and set up the time to accomplish some new tasks and complete objectives.

During this Spring your routines and schedule has probably been been turned upside down. If possible try to find some time to focus on yourself this summer. Many of us do not know what our Fall schedule and routine will look like so if you have a lull in your schedule try to “lean into it “and get yourself ready for the Fall. Summer is a great time for “me” time. As I wrote in my last piece, now is a good time to review and have gratitude for your relationships with family, friends and colleagues, your career (or your search), your physical health, spirituality, and personal finances.

If you have been neglecting your career goals, perhaps you want to spend some time networking and expanding your contacts. Many people were eager during the pandemic to have rich and meaningful conversations. It takes time and effort to reach out and stay in touch with old colleagues, friends, etc. Try to include time in your schedule to reach out more and keep these relationships intact. This requires intentionally setting time aside to stay connected; however, the benefits are there personally and professionally.

Regarding your health and well being, you might have been feeling lethargic and unable to exercise this past Spring. What about signing up for a zoom exercise class or starting a daily walking routine? If it is hard for you to do this alone, ask a friend or colleague to join you for a socially distant walk. This can be more fun and you can have someone to hold you accountable. Also many people have neglected routine doctor appointments, during the pandemic, and this might be an appropriate time to catch up on those.

Review your personal and business goals for 2020. Your memory might be refreshed as to what you mean’t to accomplish. Maybe work on that book proposal or writing project you have been meaning to start? Ask yourself is this a good time to start thinking about upcoming work projects and get a head start on them?

For many people the opportunity to have family meals together has been increased. If you are a good cook perhaps this is the time to perfect these skills or if this is new for you try to learn the basics. You and your family will appreciate it.
As I previously mentioned take small steps……

I believe in making and taking small steps to achieve success. Change doesn’t happen overnight nor should it. I recommend that my clients take one action a day toward their goal, especially their long term goals. Strength builds upon strength. Get moving. Build momentum. Steady effort counts for more than you can imagine. Each action builds upon itself. Every step along the way matters.
Most importantly, make sure to take some time for yourself to relax and unwind. Always try to surround yourself with good, caring, supportive and positive people. And do not forget to have fun!

Hopefully, this meditation starts you thinking and enables you to take action to make your summer more fulfilling and productive. It goes quickly and before you know it the Fall is upon us.