PLAYING FAIR: The top 10 Ways to Focus on Games to Play with your Children and how to Foster Good Sportsmanship.

1.Stay simple. Children often leam the most and play the best with toys and games that are simple. For example, a child who knows how use a deck of cards can develop skills (e.g. mathematics and sportsmanship) that last a lifetime.
2.Teach your child how to lose. This skill is often overlooked. A child who has experienced disappointment knows how to cope with defeat but more importantly, he has humility when victorious.
3. Encourage risk-taking. Children who try new things will not only learn a lot but they will experience less boredom than those who take the easier and safer course of action.
4.Be supportive.Let your kids know you proud of them, not only for their successes, but also for their efforts. Tell them you love them unconditionally.
5.Teach your child how to share. A child must know how to share and learn to be part of a team.
6.Teach your child how to play alone. A child who knows how to play by himself will not feel lonely when other children are not around (e.g., when he is sick or at night when he is in bed).
7.Teach your child proper manners. Rudeness and lack of proper etiquette is still unacceptable in today’s society.
8. Do not attempt to relive your childhood through your child.The little league coach who screams at umpires, other adults and little kids not only embarrasses his family but he may be trying to capture the applause that luded him as a child.
9.Be a positive role model. Your children are closely watching everything you do and say. Let your behavior set the example for their behavior.
10.Let your child have fun. Remember, your child is only young once.
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